A kitchen makeover is such an upgrade to our everyday routine! It eliminates all unhealthy non-nutritious snacks and encourages nutritious lifestyles, which is so precious.

Why a Kitchen Makeover?

A kitchen makeover is such an upgrade to our everyday routine!

It eliminates all unhealthy non-nutritious snacks and encourages nutritious lifestyles, which is so precious. And if you didn’t think it would get easier – the swift transition replaces all that junk food with an abundance of healthy foods. In a newly outfitted and organized kitchen, healthy choices for meals should be foolproof.

If you have a product at home, its consumption is inevitable – though it might not happen today, or tomorrow. It’s important to keep the healthier foodstuffs close and easy to eat, while anything unhealthy should be pushed far away. Simplicity is key here; changing your eating landscape can easily set down the path towards a healthier lifestyle.

Get rid of:

  • Junk food (chips, chocolate, candies etc)
  • Trick foods (sweetened yoghurt, crackers, most breakfast cereals etc)
  • Hidden sugar and chemical bombs (condiments, salad dressings, croutons etc.)

Think of it as a before and after project! Start by taking a picture of the state your pantry and refrigerator are in today. You may even want to take a photo collage of all the food you’re discarding; as daunting as it can be, knowing what needs to go is incredibly empowering.

Take an “after” photo for your records. Seeing the finished product will remind you just how great it feels to give your kitchen (and body!) a healthy diet update!

Feeling stuck?

When in doubt, be sure to read every single label carefully and double-check the ingredient list to understand what it all means. That way, you know that you’re always making safe choices!