InShape Ultimate elevated protein diet cannot be applied in case of:

  • Protein sensitivity
  • Casein sensitivity
  • Epilepsy
  • Pregnancy
  • Lactation period
  • Type 1 diabetes
  • Chronic – acute renal failure
  • Acute nephritis
  • Polycystic kidney disease
  • Pancreatitis
  • Autoimmune hepatitis
  • Liver cirrhosis
  • Current Hepatitis infectiosa A, B, C
  • Any cancer (if not yet considered cured)
  • Peanut or soy allergy


Diseases and disorders requiring a doctor’s supervision:

(if they are present or have been diagnosed within 6 months)

  • Nephritis
  • Inflammation of the renal pelvis
  • Kidney stone
  • Other kidney disease
  • Gallstone
  • Bile duct inflammation
  • Other liver disease, liver damage
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Previous history of hepatitis infectiosa A, B, C (you can start the diet min 6 months after recovery)
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Gout or predisposition to gout


Important information about taking medication:

  • Some medications can affect the effectiveness of the diet, i.e. slow down the expected rate of weight loss, so caution should be exercised in such cases. These medicinal products include:
  • steroids (used for autoimmune diseases, arthritis, enteritis)
  • antidepressants (drugs prescribed for psychiatric disorders can also affect metabolism, slow down weight loss),
  • contraceptives, hormone preparations, drugs used for hormone replacement,
  • beta-blockers prescribed for high blood pressure or heart disease,
  • diuretics (dangerous due to a significant increase in the already occurring loss of trace elements),
  • medicines used for diabetes,
  • anticoagulants (special care should be taken, because eating a lot of vegetables affects the effect of the medicine!).


Information about physical symptoms and changes that may occur during the InShape Ultimate elevated protein diet program:

The use of the elevated-protein InShape Ultimate diet is NOT recommended in the presence of certain diseases detailed above or certain diseases requiring long-term medication.

The first phase is used to detoxify, accelerate metabolic processes and start weight loss. Around day 3-4, ketosis sets up.

Ketosis is the natural biological state of the body, the most effective solution for a successful and long-lasting diet. Ketosis is a metabolic state in which the body converts fat into energy instead of using carbohydrates and sugar.

In the first 4-5 days of the diet, weakness and fatigue may develop. There may be headaches, mild dizziness, diarrhea or possibly constipation, but there is no need to be afraid of these, they are completely normal symptoms, since there is a strong detoxification taking place in the body. Applying some digestive enzymes will help to offset these symptoms.

Ketosis can also cause bad breath and changes in urine odor, which are natural parts of the process. Continuous fluid intake (2.5-3.5 liters per day) and trace element supplementation are important.

Magnesium, Calcium, Chromium, Vitamin C, vitamin D and electrolyte supplementation is highly recommended throughout the diet to compensate for mineral and trace element loss due to elevated water intake and the temporary elimination of certain foods from the diet.

In phase 2, after the metabolic changeover, fatigue is replaced by energy. Phase 2 is the longest stage for everyone, depending on the amount of weight you want to lose and the weight you want to achieve. It is during this phase that the most significant part of weight loss occurs.

In case of greater weight loss, the duration of the menstrual cycle may temporarily change (delayed, skipped). On the one hand, contraceptives can affect the rate of weight loss, and on the other hand, the effectiveness of the drug may decrease, so other methods of contraception are recommended during the program. We recommend that you consult your gynecologist.

Hair loss can only occur with the progression of the diet if the vitamin and mineral intake is inadequate, which can be prevented by vitamin supplementation prescribed throughout the entire diet.

Possible calf cramps may indicate a deficiency of some trace elements magnesium, calcium and potassium – supplementation is recommended in such cases.

If you are on medication for high blood pressure, the dose of medicine may be reduced after a certain period. Regular blood pressure monitoring and medical consultation are highly recommended.

If you have insulin resistance (IR), your weight loss rate may be slightly slower than expected, but persistently low carbohydrate intake and high fiber levels will also have a very beneficial effect on IR.

In case of gout (increased uric acid levels), an increase in the dose of the medicine taken regularly and a control blood sample may be required.

Despite eating a high-fiber diet and drinking plenty of fluids, you may sometimes experience constipation, i.e. a slowdown in digestion. In this case, even continuously during the diet, we recommend the inclusion of psyllium husk (fiber) in your daily diet.

During the diet, diarrhea and skin rash may appear, which may be related to increased protein intake.

If you experience any of the above symptoms during your diet, please contact us by phone at +973 37077123 or write to the email address.

I understand the risks detailed above; I participate in InShape Ultimate at my own risk.